Aged 18 – 30? Want to share your views of the West Midlands?

West Midlands Combined Authority (An organisation working across Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell, West Bromwich, Solihull and Coventry) want to find out the views of young people on how employment and skills services could be improved for young people.
As a Young Inspector, your role will be to work in a team. You will collect the opinions and ideas of other young people, visit services and interview staff.
LOADS in it for you, including:
-> Make new friends!
-> AQA accreditation!
-> CV and interview support from BIG BOSSES!
-> LOTS of fun!
-> £££ Celebration activity budget (you get to choose how we say thank you to you!) £££
-> Opportunity to help improve services for young people from across the West Midlands!
The Young Inspectors project is a partnership between young people, WMCA and Participation People.
The Young Researchers are aged 18-30, live, work or study in the West Midlands.