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Graduation Well done! You have completed all of the training and are now able to reduce your carbon footprint. In order to gain your digital certificate,…

Unit 3

Unit 3: Net Zero & Me Sometimes, it can feel like the climate crisis is bigger than us, and that our actions will not make…

Unit 2

Unit 2: The Employer Change While Portsmouth City Council does have a big role to play in making Portsmouth  NetZero, there are also many other…

Unit 1

Unit 1: What is Net Zero? You might already be familiar with the term ‘climate change’ and the urgency and state of concern that is…

Portsmouth Net Zero

Net Zero Introduction Welcome to the NetZero for Young People training course! Through this course, you and your students will be able to explore Portsmouth’s…


Graduation Well done! You have completed all of the training and are now able to reduce your carbon footprint. In order to gain your digital certificate,…