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Are you wanting to explore new career opportunities in Portsmouth?
If you are in Years 11 or 12, then join the Portsmouth Inspires Programme! 
Exclusively for young people in Portsmouth, this is your chance to explore new career opportunities in an exciting 3-day ‘behind the scenes’ experience with businesses/organisations unique to Portsmouth.
You can join with your friends, or on your own – with two Cohorts to choose from; 
  • Cohort 1 – February Half term (14th – 16th)
  • Cohort 2 – April Half term (10th – 12th)
Spaces are filling up fast so make sure you sign up as soon as possible to get your place on the programme, and your preference of dates! 
This is a very unique opportunity to explore alternative career paths and connect with businesses in Portsmouth, while making a positive change in the community! Alongside the ‘behind the scenes’ visits you will also engage in various masterclasses to develop a range of skills, all in aid to build your work readiness and employability. 
Any questions or queries, please get in touch with Jess from Unloc – [email protected]