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Our Enterprise Course offers 14-18 year olds the chance to learn important employability skills & explore your creative thinking through the medium of setting up a business.

This course will run on Tuesday’s from 4.15 pm – 5.45pm; starting Tuesday, April 23rd, and ending on Tuesday, July 2nd.

We will break for May half term. There is one session per week.

The knowledge & skills you’ll develop are transferable to employment & further education. They’re useful should you choose to take a business related course or training. You may choose to pursue your business concept, which could open the door to starting your own company or being self employed!

– Explore what it means to be an entrepreneur and have an entrepreneurial mindset

Network with creative entrepreneurs and business leaders in London

– Create or build upon your own creative business idea and learn what it takes to work for yourself

– Show your commitment and development for your CV, Personal Statements & Applications

– Upon completion, access support to apply for up to £1000 in start up grant funding from our exclusive Changemaker Grant