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Bite Back have a fantastic opportunity primarily for young people aged 14-15 (they will consider applications from 16-year-olds too) to become Young Activists!

Here’s a bit about Bite Back and this incredible opportunity:

By the age of just 11, the health of one in three UK children is at risk from the food they eat. The environment we live in affects our lives, but junk food giants are choosing profits over the health of a generation. The good news is this is entirely preventable.

Bite Back is a youth-led movement, where young people have a say in their future.
They want it to be easy and accessible to eat healthy, nutritious food for every family — at home, on the high street and at school. Because health comes first.

They are led by a National Youth Board of incredible teenagers, who in the last few years alone have won campaigns to ensure free school meals are available during the holidays, and online junk food advertising will be ended. They have recruited more than 55 incredible youth campaigners across the UK, who are biting back by tackling junk food ads in their cities. Now they’re looking for our next cohort of young activists.

Those selected for the Youth Board will be offered free year-round training and support, including leadership, campaigns, media and professional development, in addition to mentorship from the Bite Back team and young people.

Applications are open until 15th May 2024.

Click the button below to find out more and apply!