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11 – 18 years old? Are you interested in becoming the next Youth MYP for Westminster City Council?

Westminster Youth Council is an inclusive platform for young people aged between 11 – 18 year (up to 25 if there are additional needs). Led by our two elected Members of UK Youth Parliament we represent the youth voice for young people in Westminster.

This year the election finale will be held on Monday 18 March 2024 at Marylebone Town Hall.

In order to apply, you must:

  1. Join the Youth Council as a member by filling in the application form for Westminster Youth Council
  2. Attend at least 3 Monday meetings before the election date
  3. Submit an expression of interest for the MYP role, the deadline for applications will be Friday 8 March 2024

You will also need parental consent.

Join the Youth Council as a member by filling in filling in our Youth Council application form.