Aged 16-25? Enjoy going to museums? Want to help make museums more accessible for young people?

Young people, in particular teenagers and those in their twenties, are less likely to visit museums than those over 45. Kids in Museums Hurdles to Participation.
DCMS research into audiences at London museums also shows that young people aged 16-24 feel that museums do not address issues they feel are relevant to them.
The Youth Panel is a group of around ten 16-25 year olds who meet every month via Zoom. Members are drawn from all over the UK and bring a wide variety of perspectives to their own projects and Kids in Museums programmes that help us to address the reasons why young people don’t visit museums.
The Youth Panel contributes to existing Kids in Museums initiatives, such as Takeover Day, as well as developing their own projects to help Kids in Museums expand its work with young people.
They also share their views about young people in museums to our Board via our Young Trustees and provide feedback on our programmes and future plans.