Preparation – week commencing 27th May
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Ahead of Social Action Week itself, please complete the two tasks below so that you are as prepared as possible before 3rd June. By completing these tasks, you will be ready to make a big difference!
Task 1 – Understanding Social Action
Social Action is a term that has gained a great deal of traction over the last few years but what does it actually mean? It turns out that millions of us across the world take part in social action every day and don’t even know it. This is because there are various terms that are often used interchangeably and that all refer to social action.
Watch the video and think about the following:
- What does the term ‘social action’ mean?
- What are the various ways a person can participate in social action?
- Conduct some individual research to find groups or organisations who promote social action on an ongoing basis. What is the approach they take to giving back to society?
Task 2 – Charities
Identify an issue that you are passionate about. Research at least three charities that work in that field that you would be interested in supporting. They can be any charity; local, national, or international. Below are links to some of the charities that previous Hills students have chosen to help. These are just some examples, you can research any charities of your choice.
As you do your research, here are some key questions for you to consider:
- Who/what does the charity support?
- Do you have a personal connection to the charity or their cause?
- How much of an impact can you / your group have if you were to work with them?
- Will the charity help you to support them? e.g. providing branded resources
- How might you raise money and actively support the cause?
Task 3 – Team Roles
During Social Action Week, you will be working in a team with some of your other classmates. Look at some of the team roles below and see which role might play to your personal strengths. Think about who you could work well with.
Social Action Week is a fun and safe environment for you to practise teamwork and some of these skills.
Team Roles
Role | Useful Behaviours | Possible Tasks During SAW |
Project Manager | Is responsible Listens to others Communicates well Is decisive | Prioritises and assigns tasks Co-ordinates and oversees sub- teams Motivates the team Review outputs of other teams eg comms, presentation, fund- raising |
Project Planning Team | Communicates with others Works well with others Listens to others | Research Understands the project activities, resources, work streams and dependencies Communicates progress to project manager during the week |
Comms Team | Communicates well Has good knowledge of communications platforms Has advertising skills | Communicates progress to project manager during the week Download and store project evidence Sets up, monitors fund-raising pages Creates promotion materials |
Presenting Team | Has knowledge of writing/ presenting to different audiences Writes convincingly Has a good oral delivery | Communicates progress to project manager during the week Writes and delivers presentation on Friday Uploads presentation ahead of Friday |
Finance Co-ordinator | Works with numbers Understands how to track figures Has knowledge of spreadsheet applications | Communicates progress to project manager during the week Keeps track of expenditure and money raised |
Fundraising Team | Solves problems Works with other team members Is creative | Communicate progress to project manager during the week Devises fund-raising activities |