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Aged 18 – 25? Want to develop and your skills & gain a mentor?

⚡ A callout for young creatives ⚡

Creative Mentor Network have opened applications for the upcoming Bright Sparks mentorship programme, which starts in Feb 2024.

Up to forty 18 – 25 year old creatives will receive one-to-one mentoring from a creative industry professional from Amazon Prime Video & XCM.

As well as 20 weeks of meetings, there will be three exclusive networking events taking place at the Amazon HQ in Liverpool St.

This FREE opportunity is a great way to:

? Build your network of professionals in the industry

? Get experience and tips on how to thrive in a dynamic and fast-paced environment

? Develop practical skills, i.e. how to pitch your business idea successfully

? Learn about different career paths in the world of marketing

Applications close on Thursday, January 11th 2024